As you may be aware, more and more Local Authorities are gradually switching over to Universal Credit as a benefit payment system
The six high quality modern apartments are located on Cudworth Street and for part of an impressive development. They are close to local shops and transport facilities as well as places of worship and schools.
The acquisition includes permanent four bed family homes as well as shared ownership units available for local people to buy.
“I am so pleased with these new additions to our portfolio” – said Lanek Banga (Oak Director) “as they represents the realisation of our founding promise. We are now able to include within our portfolio secure affordable rent units as well as opportunities for people to own their own homes with the shared ownership units. This means simply that we are catering for the breadth of housing needs spanning emergency temporary accommodation all the way through to helping people onto the property ladder. We are working closely with Tower Hamlets Council to ensure our offer meets the needs of local people who I’d like to thank all involved from the Housing Service for their support in acquiring the units. This is a fantastic achievement for a relatively new Association.